- 5 hours of photography time

- 300 edited photos

- Photos returned within 4 months

- Extra time: 1 hour - 200 euros

- 8 hours of photography time

- 400 edited photos

- Photos returned within 4 months

- Extra time: 1 hour - 150 euros

- 10 - 12 hours of photography time

- 600 edited photos

- Photos returned within 4 months

- Extra time: 1 hour - 100 euros


More Information:

The pricing packages listed above are the most popular wedding photography options, but they can be adjusted based on your specific needs and wishes.

Please note that travel expenses are not included in the package price.

To confirm your booking, we require an advance payment, and the final booking date will be confirmed after payment is received.

Love Story - a Pre-Wedding Photoshoot

Photography Time: 1-1.5 hours

Edited Photos: 40

Price: 150 euros (available only to those who have selected one of the wedding photography packages listed above)